#scp 2901
zal-cryptid · 11 months
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SCP-2901 and SCP-1498
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
Hello! Can you do a head canon of Scarecrow meets a s/o who is a cryptic monster of Mothman?
Idk almost anything abt mothman except that uhh mothman is cute and there’s an scp that’s kinda similar (2901) /oh and smth smth prophecies
Now I don’t know if this mothman creature talks, so I just made it so their understanding of human language is limited. In a way that yes, they understand it well, but don’t speak it aside from singular words. Ya know?
General! Scarecrow x mothman!reader headcanons
Warnings & Notes: None :)
- depending on the version, I see scarecrow being interested in cryptids, especially the scarier ones. Idk if mothman counts as ‘scary’, but hey, it’s a big humanoid moth so
- anyhow, that doesn’t mean he believes they exist.
- He had a safehouse in the middle of a forest – people don’t go there much so there rarely were anyone to hear the screams from his subjects.
- Except that one time.
Sighing, he opened the door outside. The chilling wind making him slightly tense, used to the warm air inside. Stepping out, he walked up to the birdfeeder, quietly humming. It was only after he was done that he noticed the big red eyes staring at him about 10 meters away, not moving.
Yeah, no. Maybe the sleep deprivation and chemicals were getting to him.
- he just went inside immadietly and went to sleep. He’s not dealing with hallucinations. Not now.
- It was only a few days after that when he realized it was not a hallucination.
Looking up at the tree, Jonathan’s brows furrowed as he laid his eyes on the dark fluffy mass currently staring down at him, head tilted slightly out of curiosity.
Jonathan stayed quiet for a while, coming to terms that the gigantic moth above him was in fact, actually there and not a side-effect of working on a drug like fear toxin. “...Sure.” He hesitantly confirmed, not sure if the creature was planning on eating him or was asking for something else to eat. The creature jumped down onto the ground, towering over Jonathan. Up close, it looked even more intimidating than before. Jonathan walked into the cabin, keeping a close eye on the creature. As much as a risk this was, he couldn’t pass the opportunity on studying a creature like this.
-That’s how it started. You would show up every now and then, ask for food or something else, he’d deliver it to you in exchange of him getting to study your wings, antennae, chitin… etc
- Most of this was to see how human you were, and how… moth? You were?
- Also, how the fuck do you exist was one of his main questions about you. He still didn’t quite believe that the mothman existed, and was currently sitting inside his safehouse, petting a sleeping crow.
- He probably found you kind of adorable. Not that he’d admit it, but mothman does look like a big ball of fluff with big eyes. Adorable.
“Cold?” You chirped, standing behind Jonathan, who was reading a book – You didn’t check what book it was, waiting for Jonathan’s answer
“Yes, cold.” He confirmed, turning the page. He made a sound of surprise when he felt you jump next to him onto the couch. You took his head into your hands, making him softly lean against the soft fur-like chitin around your thorax.
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mysterious-bone-boi · 4 years
Flying Through the Night
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SCP-2901 "Mothman" Object Class: Euclid is gay
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I know what town SCP 2901 is in. You can't hide these things from me.
- Mod Heiden
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